Saturday, May 12, 2012

MAY DAY 2012

May Day bouquet.

An embarrassment of riches.  And it was a rainy May Day!   Washed my face with "la primera agua de mayo" [the first rain of May] and I will never be wrinkled.  I'm beyond the days of praying to dream with the boy I'd marry but I still repeat the little ditti I learned as a child.  "Primero de mayo/ postrero de abril/ hazme soñar con el hombre/ de mi porvenir".  That's something like "Last day of April/ first day of May/ help me dream of the  man/ I'll spend my life with".  The tradition is to write the names of all the boys you know on little slips of paper and put them under your pillow.  In the morning, before opening your eyes, reach for one of those slips and voilá!  That's the boy you'll marry.  Year after year I put all those pieces of paper under my pillow and year after year I forgot to retrieve one.  And year after year the maid threw them away when she made my bed.  What a waste!  I may have married a millionaire!  Or a politician.  Or a famous artist.  Not that I'm complaining...   

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About Me

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Moorestown, New Jersey, United States
Let's talk about our gardens. Let's talk about all the flowers and critters that thrive within the confines of our personal paradises. Let's talk about those we love and love us back, although once in a while they scratch us and make us bleed a little. Just to remind us that we are alive. Those roses and cats and people that thrive in our gardens... How important... How important they are...
